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Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to learn how to take your leadership to the next level.


Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Get Your All Access Pass with Lifetime Access to All Sessions + CME Credits before the offer is gone!

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to learn how to take your leadership to the next level.



Thanks to our Media Sponsors:

CONNECT every station together in your county with Fire Rescue TV Training and News - A First Responders Network. Send messages in seconds. Share training videos, news, weather alerts & more.
Contact [email protected] www.FireRescueTV.com

30+ High Impact Speakers

With speakers from leaders across the prehospital space, ELS 2021's valuable, actionable content will move your leadership & organization to the cutting edge -- all for FREE!

Global Perspective 

You'll be joined by some of the biggest names in our industry that have developed thriving and sustainable organizations through bold visionary leadership. Join them today.

100% Virtual

No last-minute flights, no hotel rooms, no expensive transportation. Our high-quality virtual summit will have you feeling like you're in the front row, all from the comfort of your home.

© 2024 EMS Leadership Summit is curated by the EMS Leadership Academy.